Thursday, December 8, 2011

Start Menu and other screens

I created a revamped version of the Mall Cop Rampage logo and created a new start screen for the game that better fits with the rest of the UI in the game. The start menu was completed Dec 8. A week earlier I created the Victory screen for the game as well.

Gun Store UI

I created the Gun Store UI for our game and it has two parts. We have the first page of the store that has the various guns you can buy. If you hit the right or left arrow you will go to the second page that features ammo for sale. The Gun page was completed Dec 3. The ammo
version was completed Dec 7. I took all the weapons, rendered them and sized them for the Gun Store. I created the Fuel tank for the ammo store and I refined the shotgun shells and bullets that Patrick made.

Pause Menu

I created the pause menu for our game on Dec 1.

Buttons, Arrows, Health HUD

I created a Play, Back, Buy, Controls, Credits, Exit, Menu, Quit, and Resume button for the UI of our game. Each button has a blue, red, and red glowing version for the mouse over and click. Most of them were completed by Nov 24 but a handful were completed ongoing.

I created an arrow image to tell the user how to go upstairs and access the store. This was
completed by Nov 24.

I created a health HUD to draw attention to the donut health icons. This
was completed Nov 24 but I created the red glow version to emphasize the player taking damage after the second play test.

Fat Zombie Boss

I created a texture for the Fat Zombie boss model and I rigged the fat zombie. I completed this work on Nov 19.